Boxplots using excel
Statistical boxplots can be made by hand, by calculating median, max, min, etc. and formatting a diagram with it. This is _tedious_ but possible. I found this solution (see Source), which works very nicely. It consists of two simple components:
- Custom diagram type for boxplots
- A helper function to fill in the values needed for the boxplot
How to install:
- Download this Boxplot example, open it with excel and format the boxplot to your liking: boxplot_beispiel.xls
- Add it as a user defined diagram type
- Select the box plot diagram
- Right-click on it and choose “Diagram type”
- Select “User defined”
- “Add” → Enter Name and Description (Boxplot of data in the order Median, UQ, MAX, MIN, LQ).
- Install the helper function (not really needed, but very handy)
- Download “boxplothilfen.xla”
- Install it using the Add-In manager
How to use:
- Prepare data for the boxplot diagram: Select 5 cells
- Insert-Function Category User defined, BoxplotWerte
- Select the data range you want to boxplot (mouse paint)
- Confirm with CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER
- You should see filled in Boxplot values for Median, UQ, MAX,MIN, LQ
- Draw the boxplot diagram
- Select the 5 boxplot value cells
- Select Diagram-Userdefined Boxplot
- voilà your Boxplot